How do I handle all taxes and fees for Expedia?



How do I handle all taxes and fees for Expedia? Or, why doesn’t my Streamline/Expedia reservation have taxes and fees?


NOTE: Streamline  doesn’t send any tax or fee information to Expedia!


We have no insite into your tax and fee setup on Expedia.


All tax and fee information is configured in Expedia as far as charging guests for taxes and fees.


You must setup your taxes and fees to the correct reservation types in Streamline, or all of your Expedia payout money will flow to room rate. How this works is, we get a  grand total from Expedia for your reservation. We insert taxes and fees based on your configuration and anything left over is moved to your room rate. This is  to ensure an amount in Streamline is never MORE than what a guest paid on Expedia! Since we don’t send any tax fee information, this is what we must rely on.


You can fix these reservations, by selecting the property reservation types for the taxes and fees and modifying the reservations so they match the Expedia folio. The grand total that was on Expedia, and in your system, should stay the grand total after modifying.


      1. Go to TOOLS
      2. Click on HOMES (or RESORTS) under the Property Definitions
      3. Click on Tax&Fees button under Global Definitions
      4. Locate the Tax or Fee that you want to update from the list
      5. Click on Used for Types tab and select the appropriate Expedia reservation types


By Default, you will have the “Expedia-Expedia Collect” and “Expedia-Hotel Collect” reservation types options. If you need to Activate any additional reservation types, please enter a ticket.